Tuesday, October 19, 2010

~ Stunned ~

Hey Guys...

The title of this blog pretty much sums it all up for me. I recently went down to see a dear friend of mine, Andrea and her little family. Of course, we both love photography and taking pictures... mainly, we love to take pictures of Bella wearing Matilda Jane (soo cute!). I had quickly asked Annie to grab a picture of me and I was really embarassed to be standing by myself and posing for a picture. After Andrea took a couple and I looked through them, I remember being speechless. I couldn't believe how different I looked after losing 41lbs, I could totally see the difference in the photo. I just have to say to all those out there who is fighting against being overweight, don't give up! Just do it! I can honestly say that a few months ago when I started, I never seen where I am right now - 41lbs lighter and a couple sizes smaller. Honestly, I was skeptical and at first I was negative about only losing 9lbs in the beginning. Here I am, a few months later and THAT much closer to achieving my goal weight. I cannot even explain what it did for me to see this picture and actually SEE THE DIFFERENCE for myself. I live with me, I see me everyday in the mirror. But, I've never really noticed the difference. So, I encourage all my weight loss endeavors to go out there and take an updated photo... you'll be stunned just like me!

A HUGE shoutout to Melissa Woolery... you look Gorgeous! I know the hard work and dedication it has taken you and I have to say that I am so extremely proud of you. You must know that over this past month, I've slacked off and have tried hard to regain focus. After seeing your recent photos, you have encouraged me again! Keep it up.. before you know it, your going to be at your goal.

Another quick reminder to all my beautiful friends out there, remember to love you for YOU. You are beautiful whether big or small. Be you regardless of your size and remember that your value is not based on your appearance, rather your character and your heart!

God Bless and I look forward to updating you guys even more as I continue... for now, check out the cutest little red-head EVER! My sweet little Bella, Suzie loves you!!!

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