Sunday, June 20, 2010


Here's a little update on my progress. I am now 20 POUNDS LIGHTER!!! Yes, that's right, I've lost 20lbs. On my last weigh in, I lost a total of 8lbs in two weeks! I worked hard though! Remember my last post? I was saying that I needed to hit the gym more... well, thats what I did! In combination of healthy eating choices and working out, I lost another 8lbs!

So, my dear friend Lydia has been encouraging me to take pics along the way to see the progress that I've made. Lydia Shannon is a talented photographer who has motivated me in this process and you can see her transformation on her website... go check it out! I now regret not taking formal before pics. However, I had a pic in mind that I took while on the cruise and trust me... it does not show my skinny side! =) So, tonight, I decided to take another pic wearing the same clothes in order to compare the results...

Check it out...

Yep, I feel great! I know I have more to lose in order to obtain a good healthy body. However, I'm so proud of my hard work during this time! Several of my skirts... yeah, can't wear them! They literally fall off of me when I walk... just walk! I'm excited and I hope this post is another one that may help to motivate others!!!
God Bless,

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

..What's New...

Hey guys!

Wow, it's been nearly a month since I've last blogged! Did you miss me? j/k =) I have made a commitment to myself that I will blog once a month. I know that doesn't sound like much, but I don't want to overcommit myself with my crazy schedule.

So, here's the deal... I've lost 12 pounds so far!!! I'm very proud of that, but I have to admit at the same time I know I could do a little better. I've tackled one of the biggest things - my eating habits. Seriously, a month ago I was a different person. I ate whatever, whenever, and as much as I wanted without even thinking about it. Now, I count my calories and pay close attention to the amount of total fat grams that I'm consuming. What's the other big thing to tackle? EXERCISE. Aaaaaahhhhhh... AAaaaaaaaahhhhhh.... The thing is, I know what to do. I've done it before, but for some reason I have not been exercising on the days where my schedule allows. For instance, out of the last month... I think I may have walked/jogged 3-4 times? The real key to loosing weight is eating healthy and exercise.

SOOOO... yesterday, I'm proud to announce that I got my butt to the gym and participated in one of my FAVORITE classes - Spinning! Seriously, if you work hard in that class.. you can burn anywhere in the neighbourhood of 800-900 calories!!! Now, thats what I'm talking about! Hard-Core! I love feeling bullets and bullets of sweat pouring off my face because I know the calories are going bye-bye! The crazy thing is, I don't ever wipe them off! That may be nasty to some, however, it's a reminder to me that I'm working hard for those sweat drops! Sometimes, that is what gets me through vigorous exercise, it's a reminder of how good i'm doing! I have to admit though... as I walked in and chose my bike, I was sitting there thinking about "How in the world am I going to last 45 minutes?" I immediately began negative thoughts. So, I quickly shut my brain up and started working at it. It's crazy, somewhere in the middle I had a second wind and I was killing it with heavy resistance, jumps, hills, and core (legs only.. very hard... but the burn is amazing!).

If anyone is reading this, I truly hope that somewhere my journey and fight for health will inspire someone. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! That is what I tell myself everyday. Yeah, I've only lost 12lbs at this point out of like a hundred or so that I need to lose. That may seem small in number, but it makes me proud to know that I'm working hard to be healthy - the healthy way! Even though the steps to loosing weight (amount weight loss/week) may be slow at times, it brings you that much closer to a healthier, happier you!

God Bless and BEST OF WISHES to you and your journey to become healthy!